Taking Action on Business Growth

I was reading an article by Colin Thompson, the Managing Partner at Cavendish, which resonated perfectly with the theme of our Business Growth Accelerator Programme which I thought would be useful to share with you:

  • Decide What You Want
    Firstly decide exactly what it is you want in each part of your life. Become a “meaningful specific” rather than a “wandering generality.”
  • Write it Down
    Secondly, write it down, clearly and in detail. Always think on paper. A goal that is not in writing is not a goal at all. It is merely a wish and it has no energy behind it.
  • Set a Deadline
    Third, set a deadline for your goal. A deadline acts as a “forcing system” in your subconscious mind. It motivates you to do the things necessary to make your goal come true. If it is a big enough goal, set sub-deadlines as well. Don’t leave this to chance.
  • Make a List
    Fourth, make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. When you think of new tasks and activities, write them on your list until your list is complete.
  • Organise Your List
    Fifth, organise your list into a plan. Decide what you will have to do first and what you will have to do second. Decide what is more important and what is less important. And then write out your plan on paper, the same way you would develop a blueprint to build your dream house.
  • Take Action
    The sixth step is for you to take action on your plan. Do something. Do anything. But get busy. Get going.
  • Do Something Every Day
    Do something every single day that moves you in the direction of your most important goal at the moment. Develop the discipline of doing something 365 days each year that is moving you forward. You will be absolutely astonished at how much you accomplish when you utilize this formula in your life every single day.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put these ideas into action immediately:

  • First, decide exactly what you want, write it down with a deadline, make a plan and take action – on at least one goal – today! Block out time on your Outlook calendar, turn off emails and your phone so that you are focused and have the time.
  • Second, determine the price you will have to pay to achieve this goal and then get busy paying that price – whatever it is.

I would love to hear what you do to achieve the business success you deserve.

Tony Kensington, FCCA
