I was idly browsing the other day and came across The Body Coach On-line 90 day programme which involves a combination of exercise and healthy eating, the catch phrase being Lean in 15 – #leanin15
It got me thinking if it takes 90 days of doing something different to form a habit that will change your body and your life, what could 90 days of different thinking and actions do for your business.
If you have seen Joe from The body Coach shout at strangers passing In the streets of South London to try his latest recipe then I am not suggesting quite such dramatic acts but it did give me an idea.
Are you shouting at your customers?
Being English we are typically reserved and will not tell people just how great we are. This means we are potentially missing out on additional business. So what can you do for the next 90 days to tell people how great you are, here are some thoughts: –
- Use Social Media to explain the ways your product or service solves problems
- Make it clear to potential clients, what is in it for them
- Explain benefits first and features second
- Find ways to amplify your messages
After 90 days this behaviour will hopefully become a habit for you and your team.
Last week our blog was about waste. What could you do for the next 90 days to reduce the amount of waste in your business: –
- Every day look at one department or process to drive our waste
- Look daily at a good or service you have purchased that day and does it represent the best value to your business?
- Review your cost / benefit table (see out latest Business Bitesize for details) what progress have you made and what impact has this had to date.
By consistently taking action every day for 90 days you will change your thinking and attitudes and make a habit out of the new tasks that previously seemed alien or not able to be done in your busy day.
If you are having trouble with finding time to do this then please let me know and we can help with your time management.
I would love to hear what action you plan to take for the next 90 days please email me at tk@aspirationsaccountancy.carciofinodev.co.uk