Registration of partnerships with HMRC

A Partnership is a relatively simple way for two or more persons (or legal entities) to set up and run a business together with a view to profit. Partnerships can take many forms. Legal persons other than individuals can also be partners in a partnership.

There are two main types of partnership, a conventional one with two or more partners in the business. There is also a limited liability partnership or LLP, this more complex structure provides partners with the protection of limited liability, as afforded by a limited company.

In order to register a partnership with HMRC, the following forms need to be completed (where applicable):

  • Form SA400 – Registering a partnership for Self-Assessment
  • Form SA401 – Registering a partner for Self-Assessment and Class 2 NICs
  • Form SA402 – Registering a limited company, trust or another partnership as a partner

The registration forms should be filed with HMRC within six months of the end of the tax year the partnership commenced.

LLP’s are automatically registered with HMRC upon registering with Companies House, which is mandatory for these types of partnership. This means that there is no need to need to submit Form SA400. However, it is important that details of the partners are filed with HMRC using Forms SA401 and/or SA402.

HMRC should also be notified when new partners join an existing partnership, using forms SA401 or SA402.