Star Wars Day

Happy belated Star Wars day to you all!


The force – an invisible force that binds all life together which if you have a high metachlorian count you can master and produce feats of incredible speed, agility and effectively see what’s coming and be able to react, well that’s according to Yoda and the Jedi anyway…


Meanwhile back on earth how useful would an ability to read the future be?  Bloody fantastic I hear you cry.  Well unfortunately we at Aspirations cannot do that for you, but we may be able to help you predict future outcomes for your business.

How can we do this?  Well we use something called Future Finders, these are the key non-financial Key Performance Indicators, KPIs that if you make work for you today will give you rewards in the future, here are some examples:-


  • Customer satisfaction – Net Promoter Score
  • Team satisfaction
  • Enquiries received
  • Quotes issued
  • Visits to your website
  • Followers on your Social Media sites
  • A pipeline from your CRM System


By identifying the crucial aspects of your business that are in alignment with your long term goals and then measuring them on a regular basis and publishing the results to your team, customers and suppliers the chances of future success increase.


So what KPIs are you measuring and are they I alignment with your long term goals, I would love to hear from you what they are.


If you are not measuring your future finders or need help in identifying them then please contact the team at Aspirations and we would be delighted to help.
